
    Lorem Ipsum Mecum Vade

    I have recently come to fruition that just because something is commercial or more obvious doesn't mean that you should necessarily settle for the first thing you see. Do your research! Get creative! I have numerous resources on the web when it comes to designing. Most people usually search Free Fonts in Google and usually will come up in the search engine. Now there is nothing wrong with, but there are various sites out there that make their own custom Fonts. Not only are they phenomenally obscure, but you have to take into consideration that art is unique. No one piece is going to be like another. Even when borrowing characters and character designs for inspiration. Take the latter for example YouWorkForThem has just released their latest font! I have listed it for your enjoyment! Use it wisely!


    While perusing the web, I came across this really unique Tee company entitled LaFraiser. They are similar to the previous companies I've listed, but they seem to focus primarily on vector art rather than specific design. You are allowed to upload your work and compete for 1000€ ! For those who do not want to convert I have taken the liberty to do it myself 1,000.00 EUR = 1,422.48 USD. Their shirt range in price from 19€ to 24€. As an Illustrator I can say that this site is one of the best Tee companies that I have come across and you also get to keep your own rights! Be sure to check it out!

    Here is a brief synopsis on the co.:laFraise is Europe's largest T-Shirt design competition. Up to 7 designs are chosen every week from over 100 daily submissions to be printed and sold from the site. Mission: We respect our designers: our shirts are strictly limited to 500 per design for which winning designers get 1000€ & keep their copyrights.